Do you need a new PTAC Unit?

Shift-Air Mechanical is coming down on next week either late Friday June 21 or early Saturday morning to install a new PTAC unit for another Peaks owner. He was able to secure two more units at a discounted price.

Please email the or if you are interested or want additional information.

Window Cleaning

Window cleaning has commenced at the Peaks.

The first window cleaning started last week on Wednesday on the Willow building and then will proceed next to the Birch and then the Poplar. Each building will take approximately a week to clean all outside windows and outside patio panels.

The Patio door and inside patio panels are the responsibility of the owner to clean.

Please use caution and care during this time to ensure the safety of everyone.

Vehicles in the surface parking lot that have been parked (left) for more than 14 consecutive days are at risk of being towed at owners expense.

There are currently three (3) vehicles that are parked in the surface parking lot that have been left for more than 14 consecutive days and appear also to be unregistered.

These vehicles and any others left for more than 14 consecutive days on the surface lot are at risk of the vehicle being towed at owner’s expense.

This is a friendly reminder that bylaw 3.(6) was amended and approved a the last AGM as follows:

3.(6) “An owner, tenant or occupant must not use the surface parking lot for any purpose other than the parking of a motor vehicle which does not exceed the   dimensions of a private automobile. Any vehicle in the surface lots to be parked (left) for more than 14 consecutive days must receive Strata Council approval.”

This amended Bylaw has been sent to the notary for registration on May 22, 2019 and will be enforced once we receive notice that it has been registered.